Marriage Pearl # 10: Cherish your parenting moments

When raising kids remember the days are long but the years are short… attempt to live without regret.

When you are in the throes of raising infants, toddlers, elementary kids, middle and high schoolers the days seem to never end.

Recognize that the days may be long and filled with tears, appointments, homework, baths, etc.. but the years fly by and before you know it they will be grown and out of the house. 

I read recently that by the time a child graduates high school they will have spent 93% of the time with you that they ever will.

So cherish the moments, because once they are grown you don’t have them back.

Time spent with your kids peaks when you are in your 30’s and declines sharply after that. It is just a fact, as can be seen in the chart below.

The “Magic Years” fly by.

Embrace the sweetness that each child brings to your life.

Slow down.

Be present.

One Comment

  1. Very Interesting for sure and true!